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LotusFeet Book Publication Pvt. Ltd. is open to considering for publication unsolicited fiction and general non-fiction works, poetry in the English language. Also English translations of literary works of other languages are welcome. As we do not publish monographs, textbooks, comic books or scientific and technical books, please do not submit works that belong to these categories.

Submission Procedure:

A hard copy of your proposal can be sent to us at the following address:

LotusFeet Book Publication Pvt. Ltd.

B-2/408, Milan Vihar Apartment

72, I P Extension

Delhi – 110 092

Submission Procedure:  

All submissions should be printed out on white paper, double-spaced, in a large clear font. Please make sure that your name and contact information is clearly printed in your cover note and on the title page of your submission.


* We accept submissions through email also. Send your submissions by email to Please send the documents as separate, attached MS Word files that are not password protected. Manuscripts should be typed in Times New Roman, in black font on white page (font size 12 and double-spaced) to ensure legibility of text. Please adhere to the specified format and do not use unreadable fonts, color, highlights etc. Do not send PDF documents.

* For both fiction and non-fiction we will only look at a detailed synopsis and three sample chapters (three sample stories in the case of short story collections), and for poetry 7 short poems of the submission, so please do not send us complete manuscripts.

* Please give us at least three months to let you know about your submission. If you haven’t heard from us by then, please write to us at and we will respond promptly.

* Please note that the decision to accept or reject your proposal is Lotusfeet Book Publication Pvt. Ltd.’s alone. The company will not necessarily provide a reason should it decide not to accept your submission.

* Please do not get in touch with us by phone, fax, e-mail, or mail, and do not ask to meet with us while your submission is being evaluated. We will get in touch with you should we wish to discuss your proposal further.

* If your submission has been turned down, please do not resubmit it, as it will not be looked at.

* Please ensure that you retain a copy of your work/submission as LotusFeet Book Publication Pvt. Ltd. is not responsible for any loss or damage to submitted work.

* Submissions will not be returned irrespective of whether they have been accepted or turned down. If they have been turned down, the company will dispose of them and will not enter into any further communication whatsoever about them.

* Should we like your proposal, we will ask to see further material, but please do not assume that your manuscript has been accepted for publication by the company, all that it means is that we would like to see the complete manuscript before taking a final decision.

* If we accept your manuscript, you will be formally notified by one of our editors or publishers and terms will then be agreed and contracts signed. Until then, please note that LotusFeet Book Publication Pvt. Ltd. cannot assume any liability whatsoever for your proposal/manuscript.

* We do not accept proposals, please write in to us only when you have a finished manuscript with you, though you do not need to send it right away but we may ask for it if your submission generates interest.

* You can send your manuscript for evaluation to other publishers as well. However, please mention clearly in the email if you’ve sent your work for evaluation elsewhere. Also, if your manuscript is accepted by another publishing house while we are evaluating it, let us know immediately so that we can discontinue the evaluation process.

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